Hi, my name is violeta Guimarey. I´m not good with technology, but learning about Spreadsheets was so easy! In this blog I will tell you how to add and substract. Hope you enjoy it!
First you need to know some words and what does they mean:
Cell: is only one "rectangle", they´re named by a letter and a number
for example: 4C
row: is the Horizontal line, they´re named by a number.
for example: 4
column: they are, they´re named by a letter vertical line.
for example: D
Formulas and functions: in Excel are useful to perform various mathematical, statistical, and logical operations. You can type in a formula or you can use Excel's preset formulas called functions.
If you type in the formula, you must start with an equal sign, so Excel knows that the data in the cell is a formula. After the =, what comes next depends on what you’re trying to do. If you were multiplying numbers, you would just type in the appropriate numbers and mathematical symbol (* for multiply).
How to add?
1) write on the cell an equal sign =
2) click the first term of the sum (example: 2 + 1) you´ll see the name of the cell (example: G7)
3) write next a plus sign +
4) then click on the second term of the sum (example: 2 + 1) you´ll see the name of this cell.
5)click the ENTER button on the keyboard.
How to substract?
1) write on the cell an equal sign =
2) click the first term of the sum (example: 2 - 1) you´ll see the name of the cell (example: G7)
3) write next a minus sign -
4) then click on the second term of the sum (example: 2 - 1) you´ll see the name of this cell.
5)click the ENTER button on the keyboard.