Sunday, October 22, 2017

Scratch Second Deadline Hevia and Guaita

This exercise was very difficult. We had to create variables and mix lots of blocks to get a nice work. Some of the characters were in the program but we had to look in the internet for some others. We also had to create our own backgrounds but that was actually very simple. We really liked this exercise but we would not do it again because it is exhausting.

Friday, October 20, 2017

scratch expirience

this is the screenshoot to explain what blocks did we use to make the mouse move.

this is the screenshoot to show you our background.

this are our signs.

this is the screenshoot to show the vector and bitmap modes.

 this is the collage to explain how we look for the cheese.

thanks for your atention!

Cat and Mouse - Bordelois and Langenheim

For this Deadline we had to do certain activities. We use a program called Scratch that allows you to program interactive stories, games and animations. Also Google drive, Google classroom and more. We had 20 days to finish it. In this post we are going to talk about a special activity, called the game of the mouse and the cat. More specifically we are going to talk about our difficulties, how we solved them, our achievements and what we learned by programming this game. We are going to put also some images of the programming. With programming I mean the blocks that we use, the backgrounds and the characters.

  First we will show you a WordCloud that summarizes all the information that will be in this post.

Made with

In this game there are three sprites, the mouse, the piece of cheese and the cat. 


The goal of the mouse is to reach a cheese that is in a corner of the labyrinth, but without the cat catches it, in that case the mouse would lose. The mouse must be controlled with the mouse pointer and when touching a wall bounce. The cat must be able to move around the track so that when it hits a wall, rotate 90, 180 or 270 degrees at random.

We have three different backgrounds. We made a background of a labyrinth, as requested by the requirements. The maze is of a white background with internal blue walls, and exterior green and red walls.We made a "Win" background that appears when the mouse eats the cheese. We even made a "Loser" background that is used when the mouse is trapped by the cat.

One of our problems during this time was that when we wanted the mouse to follow the mouse pointer, it did not work. We tested it in many ways and it still did not work, until we remember to put the control block "forever". It was a mistake that made us learn because since then we remember how important that block is.

Langenheim and Bordelois 2C

Cat and Mouse- Scratch game

This job had a hard time doing it, since it was more difficult than the previous one. But anyway, we could do it.
Let's beginning with the mouse:
We must do, that the mouse went to the cheese without being touched by the cat or touching the walls. At first it was easy to 
do, but the more blocks we had to use, the harder it was. With help, we were able to achieve it and make it work.
The cat:
Then we had to make the cat walk by the maze randomly and touching some edge, should "bounce" and go in another 
direction. and when touched by the mouse, he had to start the game again.
The cheese:
The cheese work was easy to make because it did not have to move in any direction. The difficult thing was to make 
 it disappear when touched by the mouse and to be moved at random.
The maze:

The maze was easy to do, but we had to keep in mind not to make it too narrow, because it would be TOO easy to touch the edges and it would be boring. But we did not have to make them too wide, because it would be TOO easy to win the game.

In short, we struggled to make the game of scratch, but it was a good experience and helped us a lot for next challenges.
And here we leave a collage of the game of cat and mouse:

Monday, October 16, 2017


This is a Scratch game, with the name "Cat and Mouse" . There level of dificulty is medium. 
The goal is for the mouse to grab the cheese, without being caught by the cat and without touching the blue walls. The sprites are cat, mouse and cheese. There is a funny game to play. The background is a labyrinth.

There are screenshoot of the game, to better to understand.


This picture is a collage with 3 scrennshoots  of the "Cat and Mouse" Scratch game.

This is a words cloud with words, plataform that we use always or usually.   

Friday, September 29, 2017

Informatics Hevia and Guaita first term deadline

Driving Game

It was very difficult at the beginning because it was the first time we use that quantity of blocks, but some periods later we understood and we did the exercise. I think this was an interesting challenge.

Driving game. Langenheim, Bordelois.

Hello, we are Malena and Simone and now we want to tell you all about the "Driving game".

This game is about driving the car. You can use one player or two.
Create a car track and it works? We think it's a crazy thing. At first it was very difficult because you did not know how to do it. You do not know how to start We take it long but we finally get the car moving. Then we improved. We add a player and implement new things like gas. Unfortunately the gas did not work and we had to take it out. Beyond gas, everything else worked perfectly. After all, we really enjoyed it, it was a really good experience. In the other games we didn't have to use such a variety of blocks, that means we discovered new ones.

We use many elements. Now we are going to show you some.

 You can use one player or two. The keys that are used, are these: 

This is the road:
These are the cars:

Malena Langenheim and Simone Bordelois.

Driving game Scipioni Galmarini

In my game a red car must meke the most laps as posible when you touch the green grass you car slow down .Its dificult because the car goes so fast and the curves are so close. 

Scratch Car game

~With this exercise I learned how to make an object constantly moving and how to make the object go in reverse.
When the speed is -, the car go in reverse.

To make the car move constantly, you should use this block.

~Also I learned how to use new blocks and I had to create new blocks(speed, change speed by --, etc.).
 In this case, I created speed blocks, in data.

 This was one of the blocks, which I had not used before.

This was the final result, which one I am very proud.