Today, in this post, we are going to explain to you all the uses for a Spreadsheet we know. We are going show you how to resolve mathematical problems in different ways, the names of the different elements(cell, range, column, row, etc)
Spreadsheets Introduction First you must acces to your drive folder. ELEMENTS
Ej: - Cell G7 - Range C15:D17 - Cell B17 - Range H9: F12 - Column E - Row 6
Formula: The Formula is the values(= A1+B1) Fuction: Is what you want that the computer does with those numbers/cells. For example= SUM (A1;B1) Ej: +: =K6+L6 -: =K6+L6
(You must safe your work. Create a new foulder and save it there). How to create a foulder? 1. Go to Drive 2. Click on the left blue topbutton 3. There will be a lot of options 4. Click on FILE 5. You have to name it 6. Then you can put Documents, etc... How to save a file? 1. Archiv 2. Save as... 3. browse 4. equipment 5. Machine (ES2C-...)
Hi, we are Malena Langenheim and Simone Bordelois. We are going to talk about what we learned in this week. On this week we talked about spreadsheets and how we use them. There are lots of things you can do with spreadsheets. It helps you to make calculations. There is a specific vocabulary to understand spreadsheets that we will explain later. Beside having the result faster and easier you also have it graphically. What makes it easier to understand and explain your results. If you want to know more about spreadsheets, just keep reading this post! Hope you like it.
There are formulas that you can create in a Spreadsheet to make additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions. For doing the formulas you use the signs: + - * /
You should select the cells you want to include in the formula separated by the corresponding sign:
Addition A1 + B1
Substraction A1 – B1
Multiplication A1 * B1
Division A1 / B1
You can combine several signs in the formula too, as an example: A1 + B1 – C1
There are also functions in a Spreadsheet that you can use to make additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions.
To create a function in a Spreadsheet you have to use specifically word and specifically signs:
= “equal” , : “colon” and () “brackets”
First you have to type = “equal,”, then the specifically word for the function you want to do. After that you open the brackets “(“, type the cells you want to include separated by colon “:”. Finally you close the brackets “)”.
But the Spreadsheet doesn’t have functions for Substraction and Division (only Addition and Multiplication)
If you want to create a functions for Substraction you should use the function of the Addition with some changes: You should type the minus sign “-“ before the second cell:
If you want to create a functions for Division you should use the function of the Multiplication with some changes: You should type the number 1 and the sign of the division “/“ before the second cell:
In the cells you can type a number or letters (words).
When you type a number it will go to the right of the cell and when you type a word it will go to the left of the cell.