Tuesday, June 6, 2017

How tu use Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets Introduction

First you must acces to your drive folder.


- Cell G7
- Range C15:D17
- Cell B17
- Range H9: F12
- Column E
- Row 6

Formula: The Formula is the values(= A1+B1)
Fuction: Is what you want that the computer does with those numbers/cells. For example= SUM (A1;B1)
+: =K6+L6
-: =K6+L6

(You must safe your work. Create a new foulder and save it there).

How to create a foulder?
1. Go to Drive 
2. Click on the left blue topbutton
3. There will be a lot of options 
4. Click on FILE
5. You have to name it
6. Then you can put Documents, etc...

How to save a file?
1. Archiv 
2. Save as...
3. browse
4. equipment 
5. Machine (ES2C-...)

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