Saturday, April 29, 2017

What is a blog?

What is a blog?

A place where you can post your ideas, thoughts, experiences and more!!!

What makes them so great?

That with only a click you can see thoughts, opinions, News, anything!

Blogs Theme

Your blog theme it's what control how your blog looks.  You can change the colours and more!
Differents parts of your blog

1)The Header (the menu and the title/logo).

2)The Sidebar (Widgets, favorite links, popular posts, recent comments, subscription options).

3)The Footer (to read more about the blogger and contact them).

4)The Body (the reason people come to your blog, all the information you search). THE MOST IMPORTANT PART!

Post? Page? What's the difference?

Page: information about the blogger and to contact them.
Post: where you public you thoughts.

More things that you can do:

-You can makes comments on a blog.

-Blogs make it easy to share photos, videos and more.

-You can use your blog anytime and anywhere!!!
-Blogs can be used to school, to work and to play!
-Blogs are for anyone! Teenagers, adults and old people.
-Blogs are made to connect with people and make your ideas out there!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 28, 2017

What is a blog?

What is a blog?

A place where you can post your ideas, thoughts, experiences and more!!!

What makes them so great?

That with only a click you can see thoughts, opinions, News, anything!

Blogs Theme

Your blog theme it's what control how your blog looks.  You can change the colours and more!

Differents parts of your blog

  1. The Header (the menu and the title/logo).
  2. The Sidebar (Widgets, favorite links, popular posts, recent comments, subscription options).
  3. The Footer (to read more about the blogger and contact them).
  4. The Body (the reason people come to your blog, all the information you search). The most important part!!

Post? Page? What's the difference?

Page: information about the blogger and to contact them.
Post: where you public you thoughts.

Some util things:
-You can makes comments on a blog.
-Blogs make it easy to share photos, videos and more.
-You can use your blog anytime and anywhere!!!
-Blogs can be used to school, to work and to play!
-Blogs are for anyone! Teenagers, adults and old people.
-Blogs are made to connect with people and make your ideas out there!!!!!!!!!


How to use iframes in your post

How to use iframes in your post.

1.You must to search a vidio you like.
2.Then you must to share it.
3.Then you must to embed and  copy the iframe.
4.Then you come into the blogger and go to HTML, and past it under evrything. 

How to use Iframes

In a video (can be of you tube) you click share and click embed than copy the i frame link .

Resultado de imagen para iframes


Use of Iframes

You need to enter your blogger account and create a new post.

Go to YouTube (for example) and select a video.
Click on "SHARE" and click on "EMBED", then copy the Iframe.

Then go back to your post and click on the "HTML" button and paste the Iframe.

It will look like this!!! 



You can unwrap or redo something you wrote or make.
You can also change the calligraphy.
If you want to change the text size you need to click on the "T".
For writing a title or a subtitle click here...
Here you can inclineunderline, cross out or make your text 

If you want to change the text colour or highlight it click here.
For adding a link click here...
It will look like this:

You can add a picture/image here...


how to use iframes in your blogg

First you go to youtube and search the video that you want to insert in your blogg. 
Than  you click on share and embes, change "compose" for HTML. Copy the link and paste it into the blogg.
Resultado de imagen para iframes in youtube
Copy the link and paste it into the blogg.

Resultado de imagen para iframes in blogger

Use of Iframes

First you need to go to YouTube and click share. Then you click embed. 

You copy the link and come to your post in Blogger. 

Click in HTML and paste the Iframe link. 

Tool bar


You can go back backwards or towards ahead

Yo can change the letter kind

You can change the letter size

You can change the type of the letter

With the B you can stress the word
With the I you can tilt the words
With the U you can underline the letters

You can change the color of the letters

You use it when you want to add a link


You click it when you want to add a image

Monday, April 24, 2017

Use of Iframes

I= information, internet, inline, etc.
frames= marco
Embed= incrustar

Resultado de imagen para iframes
What are Iframes?
Iframes are to put one platform into another platform.
An IFrame is an HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
document embedded inside another HTML document on a website.
The IFrame HTML element is often used to insert content from another source, such as an advertisement, into a Web page.
Iframes can be placed anywhere in the document flow.

How to use Iframes?
To use them, you need to search the Iframe you want to insert and then go to embed and copy them. Go to your blog and click at link and paste the Iframe.


You have 4 options for the leter.
The option for change the typ of leter, the option to change the leter, the option for change the color of the leter and the option for highiligth the sentence.

After you have 5 optins to insert somthing.
You have an option for edit the link, a option to insrt image, a option to insert a video and a option for insert a emoji😏😏😏😏😏😏

I= information, internet, inline, etc.
frames= marco

Embed= incrustar

Alma → Iframes are to embed one plataform into another plataform, they can be placed anywhere in the document flow..
Iframe= HTML→  an document embedded inside another HTML document on a website, is often used to embed content from a website into another website.

How to use Iframes?
To use them, you need to search the Iframe you want to insert and then go to embed and copy them. Go to your blog and click at link and paste the Iframe.
Resultado de imagen para iframes
How to use them? →
1. search the Iframe you want to embed
2. click at “embed” and copy them
3. go to blogger or the website you want to inset the Iframe and embed iton the website

How do your use Iframes in your post?

How do your use Iframes in your post?

An iFrame is an inline frame used inside a webpage to load another HTML document inside it.
An example is a Iframe for YouTube.
To use an Iframe in your post go to the HTML option
Copy the link you want from insert button, then paste it in the HTML button

How do you use Iframes in your posts

 How do you use Iframes in your posts

If you use a Link for a video the link will take you to the platform from youtube.
Mostrando FullSizeRender.jpg

Iframe:<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
If you use the Iframe of a video the video will be embed in your document.
Mostrando FullSizeRender.jpg

Sunday, April 23, 2017


First you go to YouTube,  then you choose the video you want to insert in your post.

Click on the “Share“ button.  Then you click “Embed“   

  Copy the link and go to blogger.

In your post click in HTML and paste the link you copi before. 

Come back to the  “Compose“  and you have the video there.