Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Mostrando 2.PNG
These arrows Are to erase or advance your work,

Mostrando 3.PNG
Here can you decide what kind of letter you want. example: GEORG

Mostrando 4.PNG
You can make the letter bigger or smaller. There are 5 options:
🔽very small 🔽small 🔽normal 🔽big 🔽very big

Mostrando 8.PNG
          Serves to insert a link, photo,  video.You copy the URL from YOUTUBE  or an      
other website and paste it.
Mostrando 5.PNGHere you can choose what 
kind of importance your text will have, like a title or a parragraf

Mostrando 9.PNG
These litle image is used to insert images! you can insert  ↣from this blog! ↣from google files ↣from your web camera ↣from your cell phone ↣like an URL  ↣from this blog!

Mostrando 7.PNG
In these section you can edit your letter, what colour you want and what colour you want to highlight.

Mostrando 6.PNG
In these other section you can continue editing your letter like if you want it italics (cursiva) or bold font letter (negrita) also you can underline it or cross out to!

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