Friday, September 29, 2017

Informatics Hevia and Guaita first term deadline

Driving Game

It was very difficult at the beginning because it was the first time we use that quantity of blocks, but some periods later we understood and we did the exercise. I think this was an interesting challenge.

Driving game. Langenheim, Bordelois.

Hello, we are Malena and Simone and now we want to tell you all about the "Driving game".

This game is about driving the car. You can use one player or two.
Create a car track and it works? We think it's a crazy thing. At first it was very difficult because you did not know how to do it. You do not know how to start We take it long but we finally get the car moving. Then we improved. We add a player and implement new things like gas. Unfortunately the gas did not work and we had to take it out. Beyond gas, everything else worked perfectly. After all, we really enjoyed it, it was a really good experience. In the other games we didn't have to use such a variety of blocks, that means we discovered new ones.

We use many elements. Now we are going to show you some.

 You can use one player or two. The keys that are used, are these: 

This is the road:
These are the cars:

Malena Langenheim and Simone Bordelois.

Driving game Scipioni Galmarini

In my game a red car must meke the most laps as posible when you touch the green grass you car slow down .Its dificult because the car goes so fast and the curves are so close. 

Scratch Car game

~With this exercise I learned how to make an object constantly moving and how to make the object go in reverse.
When the speed is -, the car go in reverse.

To make the car move constantly, you should use this block.

~Also I learned how to use new blocks and I had to create new blocks(speed, change speed by --, etc.).
 In this case, I created speed blocks, in data.

 This was one of the blocks, which I had not used before.

This was the final result, which one I am very proud.

scratch experience

Hi, we are Malena and Violeta, we are going to talk about our expirience with a scratch game, the low dificulty car game. It wasn't easy to achiev, because we must to try lot of blocks until de car moves in both directions.

As you see, there were lots of blocks in this game. It goes like this: when the player presses the green flag, the variable "speed" sets to 0. And then, forever, if you press the right arrow the "speed" variable sets to 10, and then the car turns 5 degrees to the right and moves as many steps as the "speed" variable equals (so, 10 in this case). The same thing happens when the user presses the left arrow, only that to the other side. We also ordered the blocks so that if the user presses the up arrow, the variable "speed" to 10 sets. The car then moves 10 steps forward when you are pressing this arrow, because we used the "move speed steps". There is another group of blocks that makes that if the user is touching the down arrow, the "speed" should set to 0, and then the car moves as many steps as the "speed" variable equals, so 0 (the car stops).

In the last picture there is a set of instructions that make the car go slowlier when it touches the green color (the grass). If the object is touching the green color and the speed variable equals more than 0,4 (it will always be like that when you are moving) the speed sets to 0,4 and the car moves "speed" steps (only 0,4).

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Driving game

There is a race track and you have to go with the red car down the street from the race track With the right arrow you move to the right and with the left arrow you move to the left with the up and down arrows you choose to go up or down
Ex: You want to turn around and click on the right arrow while pressing the arrow above and you are going to be in another part of the track

The goal is to get around the full race track on the asphalt

Driving Game

Screenshots to illustrate our game:

The game was very difficult for us. But luckily we succeeded it. We managed to create a game using new skills and new techniques of use.
Before we didn't know how to use "speed". Thanks to this game created, we met many new blocks, and now we know how to turn a car and that at the same time go forward.
Now we know more methods to put into use in scratch. Now we know how to make sounds and how to make them say something, etc.

Our experience in scratch

In scratch we have to create a driving game. At the beginning it was really hard because we didn't know how to do it. But with time we learned how to make the car turn around and how to make it move. We also have to learn how to make new blocks for the speed and others. So now on we'll know how to make this kind of games.
In the other games we didn't have to use such a variety of blocks, that means we discovered new ones and we really want to use them in the next few games.
The speed was the hardest one, because we didn't know how to change it, wich means the car runned away very fast all the time, and it also dissapered once. But then we asked  our teacher to help us and he explained to us how to do it.
After all, we really enjoyed it, it was a really good experience. And we are really looking forward to make new games.