Thursday, September 28, 2017

Our experience in scratch

In scratch we have to create a driving game. At the beginning it was really hard because we didn't know how to do it. But with time we learned how to make the car turn around and how to make it move. We also have to learn how to make new blocks for the speed and others. So now on we'll know how to make this kind of games.
In the other games we didn't have to use such a variety of blocks, that means we discovered new ones and we really want to use them in the next few games.
The speed was the hardest one, because we didn't know how to change it, wich means the car runned away very fast all the time, and it also dissapered once. But then we asked  our teacher to help us and he explained to us how to do it.
After all, we really enjoyed it, it was a really good experience. And we are really looking forward to make new games.

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