Monday, May 29, 2017

Spreadsheets challenge 4

Hello to everybody we are Miranda, Malena and Martina.On this week week we talk about Spreadsheets and how to use them.There are a lot of things that you can do with Spreadsheets. Spreadsheets is a form to calculate more quickly calculations. They are many formulae that you must to do and there is a specific Vocabulary to use them. for example (MAX,MIN,SUM).This Vocabulary we are going to explaine it later. If you now how to calculate a Spreadsheet that will be very easyer and faster then if you do it in your book.If you want to know how to use Spreadsheets, keep reading this Blog and see all our posts.

The formulas That you can use in a Spreadsheets to make
Additions: (A1+B1)

You prune to combine different things for example A1+C1*B1

If you want to do a calculaion you must to use funtions, a specifically word and aspecifically sign:
( )brackets sign         =equal sign          :colon sign

To do the calculation firstble you must to click the = equal sign, then if you want to add the calculation put SUM. Then you must to open a bracket put the cell that you want to add and close the bracket, click on the ENTER button and finished you have your result over there
For example:

Spreadsheets dont have a funtion to division and substraction only for additions and multiplications

If you want to crate a funtion from division you must to put this sign before the second cell start /

Saturday, May 20, 2017

How do you use Iframes in your posts? (new version)

Has you ever sent a link to a friend and he couldn´t open it?  Don´t worry, here I am going to tell you how can you paste directly the video from You Tube  in your post without the link.

First of all you go to You Tube and then you choose the video you want to insert in your post.

Below the video there are three buttons. One that says "add", other that says "share" and another that says "more". 
You must click on the button that says "share". 

Once you clicked you will be shown three other options.
One is to "share", other is to "insert/embed" and another is to "send by mail". 
Clik the button that says "insert/embed" 

Copy the link and go to blogger. 

In the upper left, there are two buttons one says "compose" and the other says HTML.

In your post click in HTML and paste the link you copy before.  

Come back to the  “Compose“  and you have the video there.

I hope this tutorial will help you!

Friday, May 19, 2017

How to use iframes in your post.

1.You must to search a video you like.
2.Then you must to embed and  copy the iframe.
3.Then you come into the blogger and go to HTML, and past it under evrything
4.And the last step is clik on redect.

How do you use iframes in your posts?


I'm going to talk about iframes, and how to use them in your posts. Iframes are usefull for inserting videos on your posts. When you put a link in your post you must to click on it and then a new window to youtube opens. But when you use iframes the video is already in the post, and you don't need to do anything else.

First you go to YouTube, and you choose the video you want to insert in your post. Then you click on the “Share“ button. Next to the other "share" button is the "Embed" button.

Use of Iframes (new version)

If you want to use Iframes in your posts you need to go to YouTube and seacrh the video you want to put in your post.
Go to YouTube (for example)
Search the video you want to put in your post
Click "share" and then "embed"
Copy the link and go to Blogger
Click "HTML" and paste the link

The images:

how to use iframes in your post ?

How to use Iframes?
To use them, you need to search the Iframe you want to insert and then go to embed and copy them.

Resultado de imagen para iframes
Go to your blog and click at link and paste the Iframe.

How to use them?
1. search the Iframe you want to embed
2. click at “embed” and copy them

3. go to blogger or the website you want to inset the Iframe and embed iton the website

For what are Iframes?

Iframes are to embed one plataform into another plataform, they can be placed anywhere in the document flow..
Iframe= HTML→  an document embedded inside another HTML document on a website, is often used to embed content from a website into another website.

How to use Iframes in your posts

An iFrame is an inline frame used inside a webpage to load another HTML document inside it.
An example is a Iframe for YouTube.
To use an Iframe in your post go to the HTML option
When you are in You Tube you see down you clik in share, after you clik in insert, you copy the link. You paste in HTML and you have the video!!!

How to use  Iframes in your post

You search a video in Google,you click on share and you click in embed and then you copi the Iframe.You go into your blogger and you click on HTML and you paste the Iframe there.
Then you click on compoust and there is the video.

How do you use iframes your posts? (new version)

You go to Yutube for example. Choose a video, a click in share after that click Embed.


You copy the permnanet link. And go for example in Blogger. And click HTML and past there.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

How to stay safe on Instagram

Many people moved away from facebook, twitter etc ... to migrate in instagram thinking it was more secure, but that is not true both are equal dangerous. Some Instagram users have a certain predilection to be displayed on the network, but those who distrust More of their privacy have some options to protect themselves from the eyes of others. It is as easy as going to the "Options" of the social network and selecting "Private Account". This is especially useful for parents who want to share their children's photos with family and friends. What's more, experts recommend restricting the "Public" configuration to special cases, such as companies and institutions.

There are people who talk to strangers, it may happen that you do not know that it is the photo that you send that person you do not know. So it is better to block them and nothing happens before they get information from you.

If you want to be safe on Instagram you should never post about your location, and you should make your account private.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Tools learned during first term.

Online safety tips

In this post we will talk about Tipps to be safe on social media, in this case INSTAGRAM.

What is instagram?
Instagram is a social networking app make for sharing photos and videos from a smartphone.
Similar to Facebook or Twitter, everyone who creates an Instagram account has a profile and a news feed. When you post a photo or video on Instagram, it will be displayed on your profile. Other users who follow you will see your posts in their own feed. Also, you'll see posts from other users who you choose to follow.
Just like other social networks, you can interact with other users on Instagram by following them, being followed by them, commenting, liking, tagging and private messaging. You can even save the photos you see on Instagram.

Here is a  video to explain how to stay safe on instagram:

Creating an account on Instagram

First you donload the app. Then you click on create an account, you can sing up with your facebook account or by your email. All you need is an username and a password. You can edit your profile for example change your profile picture, change your password or write about you in your Bio.

                                               Resultado de imagen para instagram profile
You can also change your open account to a private account.

Resultado de imagen para private account instagram
Resultado de imagen para private account instagram

Photo Sharing

You can take pictures with the app or use photos that already exist in your camera. You can give your photo a title, which is helpful and fun. Photos can be shared, not only on Instagram, but also Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Posterous and Tumblr. You can also connect with your foursquare account and tag your photos with location. Photos are public on Instagram. If you want people to have to ask permission before they follow you, set to private. 

Make sure your password is not to obvious.
If your password is:

* 12345
* (your kids name)
* Password
* Your pet name
* Always the same one.

You should better change it!

Tools learned during first term

Hi! Today we Valentino and Lucho want to speek about "how to be safe online ".Its a very important thing because when you dont now some Tips, someone als can see all your information.Today all the people or fast all of them has all her information in the computers .You dont now that when you make publish a photo in Instagram snapchat .... One of your followers can make a screenshot of that image and then you arent the only owner from that photo because he or she can send it to someone als and when you delate that photo he has it still.

To be safe online you have a lot of Tips that you can follow.One of the most important tips is use a numerical code than a pattern code.The Iphone numerical code for example.
Why ist the numerical code better than a pattern code ?

Its an simple anserw .In the pattern code you must to "Paint" the code and then you can see the path of the code ,but in the numerical code you only see the numbers that you clik and there are a lot of convinationes and its fast imposible to foretell.

The second Tip is important to.When you are in a publish place and you want to have internet conection the frist that you make ist search a conection without password.
And that is a very bad idea because the owner of the wifi is able to see all your information that you right  in the Wifi like your Gmail password your Icloud password etc.

How to be save in Instagram

To be save in Instagram you must use a good password, with capital letters and numbers. It´s secret and you musen´t tell anybody.
One of the easiest ways to lose your account is by placing links that are supposed to generate followers and likes.

 Captura  inst.PNG

What this page does is that they steal your password and change it.
To recover your account you have enter your email and your new password, it will send an email to confirm your new password.

Public account

If we create a public account anyone in the world can start following us. So for children it is better to choose the option to open a private account since it will be the child who has to approve who can follow him or not
In the comments we can upload a hashtag or label with a theme. That is to say that if we publish a photo of a Ferrari we can use the hashtag #car or #Ferrari. That means that this photo will appear with the same label of photos that other users uploaded with that same label. Watch out for this as we open our Instagram to thousands of unknown people who can give "Like" in our photo or can access our entire gallery

How to stay safe online

Differences between Patterns and Pin Codes.What is safer?  Pin Codes and Patterns?
Pin Codes are safer then patterns.Why? Becausee you can see the Fingerprint from  the person that use the cellphone but you dont now the order, but in the patterns you are going to see the  journey from the finger.We recomend use the Pin Code,but the patters are safer than no password.Some cellphone can only have a pattern or a Pin Code.

Resultado de imagen para cell phone patterns

Resultado de imagen para telephone pin codes

*The patterns are a type of password for your electronic devices.
*These are not so safe like the Pin Codes.
*The patterns are not available to all the electronic devises.

Pin Codes:The Pin Codes are a type of password that is normally in all devises.
*These are safer then the patterns.
*There are a lot of types of Pin Code.
* There is a Pin Codes that is from 4 numbers but there are from 6 to.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Tools learned during first term


   Hello, we are Simone and Malena! We know you use very often social media pages, like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and so on. They are great but you must be carefull. It’s very easy to be safe, if you follow our tips. It changes the way you surf online and also takes care of your identity. This is about YOUR security and it’s important to keep your information private, because sometimes online surfing can be dangerous. This is important because otherwise, bad things happend, like cyberbulling or kidnapping. Don’t be afraid but you must care of you. We are going to give you some tips to be saefer on Instagram. Come On!


On Instagram you can have a private account or a public account. You should choose a private account, because you avoid unknown people to see your posts and your information. You don´t must to accept people you don´t know. Do not enter with your Facebook account, it´s easier, but we don´t recommend it! Because then Instagram associate you with your Facebook friends and know all your information. When it's time to choose your password make sure it's safe. It´s better if it has capital letters, more than 8 characters and numbers.

Resultado de imagen para instagram private account button  

In the biography you can only use 150 characters. Do not put your private info in the biography, because anyone is aviable to see your biography. When you publish a photo in Instagram you don´t have to put your location, because then the people know where you are or where you like to go, and this is not recommended. If someone is bulling you should block them, if someone makes a fake account of you should block them to. Ok, these were our tips! We hope these are useful for you! 

Resultado de imagen para instagram private account button

Tipps Summary:

  • Private Account
  • Difficult Password 
  • Don´t enter with your Facebook account
  • Bio without private Info
  • Don´t accept strange People 
  • Publications without locations 
  • Block people who is disturbing you