Sunday, May 14, 2017

Tools learned during first term


   Hello, we are Simone and Malena! We know you use very often social media pages, like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and so on. They are great but you must be carefull. It’s very easy to be safe, if you follow our tips. It changes the way you surf online and also takes care of your identity. This is about YOUR security and it’s important to keep your information private, because sometimes online surfing can be dangerous. This is important because otherwise, bad things happend, like cyberbulling or kidnapping. Don’t be afraid but you must care of you. We are going to give you some tips to be saefer on Instagram. Come On!


On Instagram you can have a private account or a public account. You should choose a private account, because you avoid unknown people to see your posts and your information. You don´t must to accept people you don´t know. Do not enter with your Facebook account, it´s easier, but we don´t recommend it! Because then Instagram associate you with your Facebook friends and know all your information. When it's time to choose your password make sure it's safe. It´s better if it has capital letters, more than 8 characters and numbers.

Resultado de imagen para instagram private account button  

In the biography you can only use 150 characters. Do not put your private info in the biography, because anyone is aviable to see your biography. When you publish a photo in Instagram you don´t have to put your location, because then the people know where you are or where you like to go, and this is not recommended. If someone is bulling you should block them, if someone makes a fake account of you should block them to. Ok, these were our tips! We hope these are useful for you! 

Resultado de imagen para instagram private account button

Tipps Summary:

  • Private Account
  • Difficult Password 
  • Don´t enter with your Facebook account
  • Bio without private Info
  • Don´t accept strange People 
  • Publications without locations 
  • Block people who is disturbing you  

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