Monday, May 15, 2017

Tools learned during first term

Hi! Today we Valentino and Lucho want to speek about "how to be safe online ".Its a very important thing because when you dont now some Tips, someone als can see all your information.Today all the people or fast all of them has all her information in the computers .You dont now that when you make publish a photo in Instagram snapchat .... One of your followers can make a screenshot of that image and then you arent the only owner from that photo because he or she can send it to someone als and when you delate that photo he has it still.

To be safe online you have a lot of Tips that you can follow.One of the most important tips is use a numerical code than a pattern code.The Iphone numerical code for example.
Why ist the numerical code better than a pattern code ?

Its an simple anserw .In the pattern code you must to "Paint" the code and then you can see the path of the code ,but in the numerical code you only see the numbers that you clik and there are a lot of convinationes and its fast imposible to foretell.

The second Tip is important to.When you are in a publish place and you want to have internet conection the frist that you make ist search a conection without password.
And that is a very bad idea because the owner of the wifi is able to see all your information that you right  in the Wifi like your Gmail password your Icloud password etc.

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