To stay safe online you can use a difficult password, with capital letters and numbers interspersed. If the password is very difficult, is recommendable to write the password in a piece of paper to stay safe. Is very important to dont say you password to anybody because if you say your password, the password is not secret anymore.
You must use a code, no a patron, because when you use a patron and somebody stole your phone, there can see the line that your finger draw and enter in your phone. When you use a code the stoler can only see the numbers, no the order for the numbers.
Another example to stay safe online: snapchat. If you want to have snapchat, you must to create a account, and for that you must have a password.
This password must have almost eight letters or numbers. For stay safe, your password must not your name or something that a friend can guess. But can be your name plus numbers or antoher name or you can use capital letters.
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