Today we are going to talk about how to be safe online. We are going to show you different ways to stay safe. Things like pins, patrons, settings for social media accounts (private accounts for example), not to get connected to networks of open WiFi, not posting private pictures, not to chat with unknown people because they are not always who you think they are. But we are not going to talk about online saefty in general, we are going to talk about saefty in Instagram. Instagram is a really big social network so you have to be really carefull.
Here's a video about staying safe on Instagram.
Here's a video about staying safe on Instagram.
Use the private mode! Don't share private pictures

Private Mode: you can use this modality if you want people to send you a solicitude for following you.
Not shearing private things: if you don't share private things or pictures bad people can't take information from you that easily.
Always use passwords in the Internet and it's better if you use a PIN and not a Pattern because if you use a Pattern people can see your fingerprints and they can see the drawing from the Pattern and they can easily repeat the drawing after they stole your phone. If you use a PIN they can see your fingerprints but there are a lot of combinations with those numbers.
It is better if you use difficult passwords like passwords with letters and numbers and it is better if you use capital letters. Here's an example: H13vg1345. This is a realy difficult password for other people but not for us because it has a hidden meaning. H13 for Hevia13 years old, vg13 for Valen Guaita 13 years old, 4 for the number of members in Guaita's family and 5 for the number of members in Hevia's family. So it's not such a difficult password for us. You only need to create a password with the letters and numbers that you want.
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